Friday, January 25, 2013

random thoughts of slim

 Not super sexual this week but its been along week so bare with me, I have come to realize that some weeks will be sexual and fun while others will be more or a journal and little thoughts etc.

I realize the "sexual slim sundays" post is late, considering that I have had a bad week im sure you all will let it slide. Life is going, as my best friend would say swell lately and im hoping it will continue to even get better with prayer and faith. So as promised today's topic is dysfunctional families. What do you think of dysfunctional families? Do you think they are bad? Personally in my opinion, I think that dysfunctional families, in non severe cases makes you a smarter and  more well rounded individual. I feel that if you had a dysfunctional family you seem to be more mature because you have to take care of yourself from such a young age, sure most people would take this as a downfall and say its not very good but in my opinion it is. I think it makes you able to handle yourself in almost any given situation. Any thoughts on this subject?

Also, on a side note and update, as we get more and more into the pregnancies of everyone around me its getting more and more exciting to see there babies and what they will look like and what kind of parents they will be and how they will deal with everything coming in the next few months. Also, I am excited to get my husband checked out in just a few short weeks so make sure he doesn't have any problems with his manhood and make sure we are doing everything we can to make a baby, sometimes it makes me sad that some people can just have sex one time and get pregnant while others take months, but I know there are plenty of people that have taken much longer then me to get pregnant and for now I should just try not to stress and try hard for a baby and try to enjoy my last few months without a baby, easier said then done sometimes. lol

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sexual bitches are they necessary?

Did you miss me? Because I have it on good authority that some of you have. It's okay to miss slim.

Today's topic will be out sexual bitches. You know how there are those petty bitches that hate all women that look better then they do? My name is Slim and I am one of those women and proud of it. Damn those sexual bitches with amazing hair and faces of an angel without a drop of makeup. I especially hate those bitches with those amazing boobs..don't look at me like that, if your a woman or especially if your a man you know damn well your checking out the rack of every chick that walks by and you know the kind of boobs im talking about too! those chicks with those perfect c cup boobs that don't sag at all but bounce every time they move and they are all natural. Hate on those bitches wish back pain upon them. lol

 I know most people think its a crime to hate on sexual bitches but those damn bitches are taken over there everywhere and there out to get us. lol You know if we all banded together and decided to all help each other then we can all be sexual bitches but then again if we did that wed all be sexual and then there would be no quality line, wed all be quality and we'd all look the same and that wouldn't be fun as much as i hate being one of the petty bitches. lol just let that sink in, as much as we hate those bitches we need them, they sell us bras and cosmetics and without them we would probably look even worse then we do now. That isnt to say they couldnt throw out a beautiful boob or hair tip out there for us people less like them. haha on another note, I found this amazing shampoo and condition I thought I would share with the beautiful but not as beautiful people, Its call iden bee propolis. My hair stylist gave me some free samples and its an intriguing little thing, it smells amazing, its super shiny and ive noticed less breakage since then! It a 20$ shampoo and im debating whether or not I want to step closer to the sexual bitches and buy it.

On another happy note, I will try to come out with a new blog post every Sunday. We shall call it Sexual Sundays with Slim. As a teaser for next week, I believe the topic will be fucked up families. We may go through topics such as why are they fucked up? is being fucked up a bad thing? Does being fucked up work to ones advantage sometimes? In the words of my sexual idol jenna marbles should we tell them to PIPE THE FUCK DOWN!

We shall see ON NEXT WEEKS EPISODE OF SEXUAL SUNDAYS WITH SLIM! Stay sexual people and remember to share at least a few of your beauty tips with the small people your perfect boob bitches ;)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


 Disclaimer: This week is less sexual and funny and more like a 40 year old with hair curlers and flannel night gown. ;) hopefully back to more sexualness next week.

None of my Biological family, besides my mom know yet but we are trying for a baby! Trying for a baby is nothing like I had ever expected. I anticipated that I would one day decide to have children and soon after (within a few weeks or so,) I would find out I was pregnant. However, in the actual process of trying for a baby, I have realized that it takes much more then simply wanting a baby to get pregnant and actually create a baby, an actual human being that will one day grow up and go off into directions I probably don't expect. Its amazing to think that soon davis and I will be having a baby because I do have faith  that I will eventually get pregnant and it will be alright. Its crazy to think that everything I do will eventually set this child up for life, everything I do is the difference, between loner or popular kid, killer or doctor, teacher or childlike annoyance and so on (in the case of extremes, who knows my child might just stay at home forever and be lame lol). I want my child to have the parents I only dreamed of having as a kid. I want to be a mom first and then if I can a good friend to my child. I want my child to as independent as possible and not need something from everyone to get anything done.

Also, I have been trying alot lately to work on my marriage to prepare for having a child, since soon Davis I wont ever be alone again, we will always be an actual family! lol but as magical and wonderful as that sounds I know it has the possibility to put a strain on a marriage. I hope to be done with school very soon so when my child gets here I can devote all of my time, in being a good mom and wife. I believe in god, and I have faith that one day davis and I will have a wonderful child to call our own, but it has to be in gods timing and for that I have to have patience, which is hard. This isnt meant to be a sad post by the way, just sort of a Reflection of my life as it is and what it will become soon.

It is amazing to think that just 10 years ago I was praying everyday that my dad would get out of jail and be able to be with me all the time. Its amazing to think that almost 5 years ago, davis and I met and sooo much has changed since then. its amazing to think how quickly life has been going by. I have only been around for 19 years and it somehow seems longer and shorter then that at the same time. I hope that in 5 years I will look back on this time fondly and think about how much fun davis and I had as newlyweds and how much I loved this time and how much I love my current life in 5 years.

I would say the happiest thing about my life nowadays is that I am living with the love of my life, and we have our own house and he has a stable job and we are so very blessed! I would say the saddest thing I have learned the last few years is how strange it is that after you get married you dont see your friends as often, which is the only reason I miss high school! I will always say one of my top favorite memories and the best time of my life (besides davis) is the sleepovers, and just laughing all the time and never really caring about anything but getting away from Barbara and homework hahaha I think I spent some of my best years taking naps with my best friend and just plain laughing. in the next few weeks, im hoping to hang out with my friends more considering schools out and I want to make sure all my relationships are strong before making it harder with a new baby. lol I guess you could say my "new years resolution" is to build up my relationships more, work on how I deal with problems and fights, work on my faith and commit to god, and have a baby.

What are yours?

Friday, December 14, 2012


 so...I started a blog. I have wanted to for quite some time, but call it procrastination, laziness or that I am way to caught up in being sexual to start one, point is I have started one now. Whats that qoute something about better late then never? Well its late and not never and it will be sexual! haha So my plans going forth with this is that I would love to blog every couple days or so about what is going on in my life, what are my thoughts and my ideas, what makes me...ME! I will not put a time on it seeing as how we already established that Im lazy as fuck and will not stick to it, plus I dont like to be told what to do so I dont even try fool.

So I will try to keep this up but seeing as how I never see anything though dont hold your breath.. (parenting shall be interesting as well considering that fact..hello random stranger I have 1 child half grown ready for a new mom, im bored! ) anyways... lets hope this turns out well we shall try to be positive and take a second to think happy thoughts...Did you do itYeah I didn't think so, you are just as lazy as I am shame on you. ( not me clearly I wrote this blog that is something isn't it?...yeah I didn't think so..jerk.) 

On to other subjects before it gets ugly in here. Lately I have been trying to be positive.  There are certain things I want in life and it seems that everyone other then me are getting them. So I have been trying to live by the following quote: " Worrying will never change the outcome" which If you know me you would be extremley proud I even typed that. So if your reading this and you drink heavily, risk liver cancer just one extra drink a day for me until I get what I want, take one for the team as it were. thanks buddie your a true friend ;

What can you expect from this blog you may ask? 
Well thanks thats a beautiful question dear friend. 
1. foul language.  
2. Occasional beautiful pictures of my bodacious body. 
3. cheesy metaphors that dont make sense to you.
4. procrastination at its finest. 
5. awesome qoutes
6. a new love for the word sexual 

disclaimer: Im new to this give me a break. Ill get better as time goes on..if times go on in the blog world. 

All my sexual thoughts and regards,