Friday, January 25, 2013

random thoughts of slim

 Not super sexual this week but its been along week so bare with me, I have come to realize that some weeks will be sexual and fun while others will be more or a journal and little thoughts etc.

I realize the "sexual slim sundays" post is late, considering that I have had a bad week im sure you all will let it slide. Life is going, as my best friend would say swell lately and im hoping it will continue to even get better with prayer and faith. So as promised today's topic is dysfunctional families. What do you think of dysfunctional families? Do you think they are bad? Personally in my opinion, I think that dysfunctional families, in non severe cases makes you a smarter and  more well rounded individual. I feel that if you had a dysfunctional family you seem to be more mature because you have to take care of yourself from such a young age, sure most people would take this as a downfall and say its not very good but in my opinion it is. I think it makes you able to handle yourself in almost any given situation. Any thoughts on this subject?

Also, on a side note and update, as we get more and more into the pregnancies of everyone around me its getting more and more exciting to see there babies and what they will look like and what kind of parents they will be and how they will deal with everything coming in the next few months. Also, I am excited to get my husband checked out in just a few short weeks so make sure he doesn't have any problems with his manhood and make sure we are doing everything we can to make a baby, sometimes it makes me sad that some people can just have sex one time and get pregnant while others take months, but I know there are plenty of people that have taken much longer then me to get pregnant and for now I should just try not to stress and try hard for a baby and try to enjoy my last few months without a baby, easier said then done sometimes. lol

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