Friday, December 14, 2012


 so...I started a blog. I have wanted to for quite some time, but call it procrastination, laziness or that I am way to caught up in being sexual to start one, point is I have started one now. Whats that qoute something about better late then never? Well its late and not never and it will be sexual! haha So my plans going forth with this is that I would love to blog every couple days or so about what is going on in my life, what are my thoughts and my ideas, what makes me...ME! I will not put a time on it seeing as how we already established that Im lazy as fuck and will not stick to it, plus I dont like to be told what to do so I dont even try fool.

So I will try to keep this up but seeing as how I never see anything though dont hold your breath.. (parenting shall be interesting as well considering that fact..hello random stranger I have 1 child half grown ready for a new mom, im bored! ) anyways... lets hope this turns out well we shall try to be positive and take a second to think happy thoughts...Did you do itYeah I didn't think so, you are just as lazy as I am shame on you. ( not me clearly I wrote this blog that is something isn't it?...yeah I didn't think so..jerk.) 

On to other subjects before it gets ugly in here. Lately I have been trying to be positive.  There are certain things I want in life and it seems that everyone other then me are getting them. So I have been trying to live by the following quote: " Worrying will never change the outcome" which If you know me you would be extremley proud I even typed that. So if your reading this and you drink heavily, risk liver cancer just one extra drink a day for me until I get what I want, take one for the team as it were. thanks buddie your a true friend ;

What can you expect from this blog you may ask? 
Well thanks thats a beautiful question dear friend. 
1. foul language.  
2. Occasional beautiful pictures of my bodacious body. 
3. cheesy metaphors that dont make sense to you.
4. procrastination at its finest. 
5. awesome qoutes
6. a new love for the word sexual 

disclaimer: Im new to this give me a break. Ill get better as time goes on..if times go on in the blog world. 

All my sexual thoughts and regards, 

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